A high quality garden electric gril to rent in our ART HOSTEL. For more information contact us on phone No. +420 774 591 477.
Choice is for everyone when you’re staying with us. Our vending machine is in full operation. It offers snacks, drinks, and health products for the athletic and non-athletic, for c...

Vending machine

We are now part of the nationwide Cyclists Welcome certification system (www.cyklistevitani.cz), which includes accommodation and catering facilities as well as tourist destination...

Cyclists welcome

To make your stay more pleasant, we’ll wash your laundry on request. For only CZK 400, we’ll pick it up, wash it, iron it and return it to your room the next day, fragrant and fres...
High-speed Wi-Fi is free for you throughout the premises, including the garden. You’ll receive the password after on-line check-in

